This is a series of interviews to think about the practice of "well-being," which is HARVEST SPOON’s philosophy. For this second blog, we invited Lucy Chen, founder and CEO of Pare Agency, who lives in Los Angeles. We will take a closer look at how she lives with nature while running her company.
「HARVEST SPOON」がブランドフィロソフィーとして掲げる“ウェルビーング(Well-being)”の実現について考えるためのインタビュー企画。第2弾目の今回は、LA在住の「Pare Agency」ファウンダー兼CEO、ルーシー・
──First, can you tell us your background?
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. After living in New York for six years for work, I moved back to LA. I have been running my own showroom called Pare Agency since 2018. The name Pare comes from the meaning to be more minimal to pare down and to not have as many things. I also do wholesale and represent a lot of fashion and jewelry brands, but I’m shifting my showroom to more lifestyle brands such as apothecary beauty and skincare. I feel that they reflect who I am and aligned with my lifestyle more. A lot of my brands that I've represented are small and emerging. It's always friends of friends or some people just reach out to me directly on Instagram, so the relationship with brands always starts organically. Also, they are very thoughtful, having some sustainability aspect to it and they're all run and owned by a woman. I really like to talk to them and help them in the process of becoming a profitable brand.
カリフォルニア州・ロサンゼルスで生まれ育ちました。仕事で6年間ニューヨークに暮らした後、再びロサンゼルスに戻ってきました。現在は、4年前に立ち上げた「Pare Agency」というショールームを運営しています。Pareという名前は、よりミニマルに、多くを持たないという意味が由来です。ファッションやジュエリーのホールセール業務も行っていますが、最近ではアポセカリービューティーやスキンケアなどのライフスタイルブランドにも注力しています。それらはより私自身を反映し、自分のライフスタイルにも合っていると感じています。今抱えているブランドは、小規模で新進のものがほとんどで、友人の紹介やInstagramのDMを通じてオーガニックに知り合いました。どのブランドもサステナビリティの面でも配慮が行き届いており、女性が経営しています。彼女たちと対話をしながら、ブランドとして利益を生むためのプロセスをお手伝いするのが好きですね。

──How do you start the day? Do you have any morning routine?
1日をどのように始めますか? モーニングルーティンはありますか?
I've been waking up around 5am and surfing every day because it takes like 40 minutes to get to the beach. Now I'm waking up naturally before my alarm. It's nice to surf before I start working and a lot of my friends wake up so early, so we all go surfing together. Since I run my own business, the starting time of work really depends on urgency, but usually I try to go home by 10am and then start working.
──What is your favorite health ritual?
My favorite health ritual right now is surfing at dawn/when the sun is rising. It’s very meditative for me and I feel mentally ready for the day.

── What do you do to stay happy?
I definitely think about happiness more. I’ve been climbing and running a lot and been giving myself a goal every one or two months. And I think having a goal really keeps me in check again, where I want to be in the future, like mentally active, mentally stable. Since life changes so fast, I really don't know where I'm going to be in one year, or if I move somewhere. I feel that it's nice to take things one step out of time.
For running I use an app to keep my goal and usually run ten miles a week. And even climbing, I've been working on a certain project and it takes a long time for me to complete it. Basically, in bouldering there's different levels of climbing. In those levels, there's different rocks, outdoors and the biggest climbing. Also when I go surfing, I try to learn something new on a new board or add a new beach every time, even though I've been surfing for ten years now. A big part of my life is to learn new things and always improve myself. It's fun and like a video game because there's different levels and you always want to get to a higher level. I think that's something that keeps me happy and healthy.

──What kind of food do you cook?
Asian food and mainly Japanese food. Because my husband Asato is Japanese and I think he misses it, so I learn how to cook it. Also, I cook Korean food, too. My mom was born and raised in Korea, so she would always cook Korean food for me. I like to use a lot of fresh vegetables and cook things that take a long time such as roasting oxtail. I think it has a deep flavor that you don't get when you cook something immediately. Also, I recently get a lot of mushrooms. Korean grocery stores have a big variety!

──Do you have any recommendations for books you have been reading?
I would say my favorite book is Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain. It’s a wonderful biography about his life and what happens in the kitchen and how a restaurant is run. It's very interesting and adventurous and kind of feels like reading about pirates. He was traveling the world eating different foods. I grew up watching him on TV shows and he had a really great personality. I haven’t traveled a lot in the past three years, so it’s nice to read about such a travel adventure.
I really love food. I used to do little pop up dinners on a farm in Rockaway when I was living in New York. I would sell tickets and cook a three course meal for 40 people. A farm let me cook and I would get all the vegetables from the farm. That was really hard, but really an amazing experience.

──When and how do you take JOY?
I always take JOY after breakfast or after drinking coffee. Then I force my husband to take it, too. I've been having a lot of stomach issues, especially when I go camping, so this is essential to me. I love JOY. After drinking I feel lighter and like I'm ready to start my day. It's like a reminder to be healthy throughout the day.

──Please tell us about nature in Los Angeles. How do you relate to and harmonize with nature?
Surfing is in the sea in the ocean, climbing is in the mountain and fishing is in the river. I feel very connected to all the elements in nature through my seasonal sports. At the same time it makes me really aware of climate change and pollution. When you're surfing, sometimes you'll see trash in the ocean or on the beach and then you start to be very aware of all those things in nature and learn to protect it. I think growing up in California is very nice because there's so much nature. My parents would always take me hiking, and camping at Yosemite National Park and doing a road trip to Wyoming and Utah. I think at the end of the day, nature to me would be a true form of happiness where it's not overly happy, but it's just a simple happiness.

Lucy Chen
Interview & Text: Maki Saijo
Photo: Asato Iida