Well-being = happiness and health. It means being physically, mentally, and socially fulfilled. This interview project GOOD & PLENTY focuses on various lifestyles of people who practice this term, which is also central to HARVEST SPOON. The first interviewee is the founder Mao Brazil. She shares her thoughts on the brand and her thoughts on home water birth in Hawaii.
ウェルビーング(Well-being)=幸福や健康。身体的、精神的、社会的に満たされていることを意味します。「HARVEST SPOON」の核でもあるこの言葉を実践する人たちのライフスタイルにフォーカスしたインタビュー企画、GOOD & PLENTY。第1弾は、ファウンダーのマオ・ブラジル。ブランドに込めた思いからハワイで予定している水中出産の話までシェアします。
───First, can you introduce yourself a little bit?
I’m based in Tokyo and run this healthcare brand HARVEST SPOON, while working as a model. I used to offer catering services, but I’m taking a break now to focus on this brand. Currently, I only sell supplements, but my vision is to produce good things I found in places I visit using the blessings of nature.
東京を拠点に、モデルとして活動しながら、ヘルスケアブランド「HARVEST SPOON」を運営しています。以前はケータリングサービスも行っていましたが、今はこのブランドに専念するためにお休みしています。現在、サプリメントのみの販売ですが、今後も自然の恵みを使って、自分が訪れた土地でいいと感じたものを届けていきたいと考えています。
──What inspired you to launch HARVEST SPOON?
「HARVEST SPOON」を立ち上げたきっかけを教えてください。
I’ve been drinking the undiluted enzyme used in JOY every day for the past ten years. Our body continues to produce its own enzymes until the 20s, so I didn't notice any problems (in terms of decomposition, metabolism, fatigue, etc.). However, I began to feel the effects after the age of 20. Usually, I have a low alcohol tolerance, but when I drank this enzyme after a night of drinking alcohol, I felt so good the next day as if I didn’t any. It soon became a necessity, hoping one day for the moment to share this wonderful product.
Then the pandemic hit. I had time to reflect and focus on launching my brand. Moreover, I truly felt the importance of being healthy and happy. My desire to create products that reflect such ideas grew bigger, leading to the establishment of my company in January 2021. In today’s world overflowing with goods, when it's time for me to get involved in production, it was a must for me to deal with environmental issues. For example, I chose to avoid plastics and use vegetable-based adhesives instead for the tapes. After taking a step into looking for environmentally friendly bottles, I couldn't stop being concerned about everything else. Normally, palm oil is used as the raw material for adhesive in supplements, but I decided not to use it because in Indonesia, trees used to make palm oil are being cut down while the habitat of orangutans is being destroyed. So, I started to search for a factory in Japan that could do high-pressure pressing for tablets. It took two years from the conception to the completion of the product. I’ll change the packaging when I find something more satisfactory in the future.
──Where does the name HARVEST SPOON come from?
「HARVEST SPOON」という名前の由来はどこから?
HARVEST is always my favorite word. SPOON is from "to put in the mouth" or "hug" in slang.
I thought it fits the company's philosophy of wanting to be able to hug everything, so I decided on this name.
──How did you select green tea, which is another main ingredient beside enzymes?
I wanted to make sure that the green tea is also organic. So I asked a tea expert, who I was introduced to by my friend, as a recommendation. The name Yamarin Tea in Ise came up. I had always loved the atmosphere and the power of Ise every year I visited. When the second generation owner, Kimihiko Hayashi, told me, "Insects and birds are considered harmful, but they are all my staff, '' I immediately realized that we share similar ideas. Later, I found the tea I enjoy at this particular Japanese sweets store I go in Ise whenever I go, is made by Yamarin Tea. It felt like we were meant to meet. Personally, I have been drinking the liquid enzyme ingredients mixed with green tea. But as I studied the research data, I learned that taking it with catechins (anti-oxidant substance) was twice as effective. And since catechins are great, I decided to let it sink into the tea leaves. I’ve received many voices from people who take the supplement that it has a nice green tea scent.
──Please tell us about your first product, JOY. When do you drink it?
Actually, JOY is the name of my friend's dog. We learn a lot from animals, and when choosing a name for a product, I wanted it to be charming. The feeling of joy is an essential part of life, so I decided to go with this name. I’ll continue naming my products after the animals around me.
I drink JOY when I wake up in the morning and before going to bed at night. When I drink it in the morning, my body generates energy and feels less tired even after a hard day. I drink it in advance when I hang out until morning, eat lots of food, or drink alcohol. And also when I come home tired. If you drink JOY before bedtime, it helps you break down food and alcohol while sleeping and promotes better recovery, so you can wake up refreshed the next morning.
──Do you have a favorite health ritual?
I drink homemade smoothies and juices and do yoga to breathe well. To me, the true meaning of health starts from a healthy mind. Yoga is part of my daily routine, but some days I just do it for five minutes in bed. If I decide to do yoga an hour every day, I feel guilty when I can't do it. So if I continue to do only as much as I can, the self-pressure is lighter and makes me appreciate the small things. Another ritual is to get sunlight. I walk my dog every morning and night in a park near my house. Since becoming pregnant, I've been taking a walk for myself for an hour or two afterwards.
──What have you focused on to support yourself physically and emotionally through the many changes during pregnancy?
In the early stages of my pregnancy, I had terrible morning sickness. I couldn’t control my emotions well, and no matter how I tried to control my mind, I couldn’t find a good solution. However, I could release my emotions and relax by doing yoga, walking, and other physical activities as before my pregnancy. Plus, taking a bath helped me a lot. Soaking in the bathtub really lightened my morning sickness. I also used naturally scented bath salts, aroma oils, and candles to lift my spirits. Also, my eating habits completely changed soon after I became pregnant. My sense of taste became more sensitive, and when I ate foods with additives, I felt as if a weird taste remained in my mouth forever. Sometimes I would feel so sick that I slept all day. I changed all seasonings and ingredients to organic and additive-free ones. I eliminated additives as much as possible and started looking for and eating only pure ingredients. Now I no longer felt sick.
──You plan a home water birth in Hawaii in October. What made you choose it?
I was interested in a home water birth even before I became pregnant. It felt most comfortable to me when I actually found out my pregnancy and thought about where, with whom, and how I want to give birth. I wanted to make a choice that feels more responsible for the process of the delivery of a child, including the birth itself. The more I researched, the more I was drawn into a more free and natural way, in a private setting with a doula (a professional who provides support during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum) who will stay considerate of the birth itself, us the parents, and the baby. I’m looking forward to a water birth, as I’ve heard that the baby comes out without resistance as if the baby is in amniotic fluid, and my pains are eased off the same as while taking a bath or swimming in the ocean, allowing me to relax in a weightless state.
Hawaii is the root of my husband's first name and our child will inherit his name, so this place has been one of our options. We were looking for a place where I could spend a peaceful time after the birth, and then the stars aligned, so we ended up in the Big Island of Hawaii. While in Japan, I searched for a doula that would fit my needs. After visiting Hawaii for the first time last July to meet and talk to her, I was confident that I wanted to work with this person. She is an experienced person, working as a doula for about 13 years. Whenever I share my concerns with her, she talks about belief in the power of babies and women and how it tries to bring out the best in them. We kept in touch and continued to build a relationship after I was back in Japan. She studies herbs also, so now that I’m back in Hawaii, she makes herbal teas that are good for pregnancy. We also go to the beach together. Thanks to her and everything, I spend my days truly relaxing.
──What do you do to stay happy?
In everything I do, I always look to pursue how I can feel happy. I want to make choices so I don't have to feel stressed, and live honestly with my feelings. I try to think and practice positive things that make me stronger and help me grow, rather than just saying that pregnancy prevents me from doing anything. Happiness does not always have to be something receptive. I want to cherish what I love such as physical activities, cooking and eating delicious meals, and traveling. So even during my pregnancy, on days when I was feeling well, I listened to music and danced until morning with my friends. I’m blessed to be surrounded by people who understand my thoughts.
Also, I try to appreciate the simple things which I learned through yoga. Sometimes we just want more from ourselves, people we love, or our dogs, even though we should be happy of their existence alone. But after doing yoga, my thoughts became more simple and more balanced. I try to keep space in my mind so that I can be grateful.
──How do you harmonize with nature?
I often climb mountains and visit the ocean when I travel. I love nature. So I joined 1% for the Planet immediately as I started the company; a system where I donate 1% of the annual sales at HARVEST SPOON to a non-profit organization that protects the earth and wildlife. The FSC certification is also printed on the packaging, which certifies the paper in the product is made from trees taken from responsibly managed forests. By purchasing products with this imprint, you are supporting the people who manage and live in these forests. Nature gives us happiness, so I feel harmony by giving back to nature through these actions. I hope people who pick up our products will become aware of these activities and environmental issues. I believe if we all do a small action together, it will become a big power.
旅先でも山登りしたり、海に行ったりすることが多く、自然のある場所が大好きなんです。なので、会社を立ち上げてすぐに「1% for the Planet」に参加し、「HARVEST SPOON」での年間売上の1%を地球と野生動物の保護に取り組む非営利団体に寄付しています。パッケージにもFSC認証が印字されていて、これはきちんと管理された森林から取られた木を使った紙でできていることを証明するもの。この印字の入った製品を購入することで、森を管理したり森で生活している人々をサポートできるシステムになっています。自然から幸せな気持ちを与えてもらっているので、この仕事を通じて自然に還元することで調和を感じています。製品を手にとった人が活動や環境問題を知り、意識が変わるきっかけになれたら。たとえ小さな行動でも、みんなでやれば大きな力になると信じています。
Interview & Text: Maki Saijo